
Meet the Coach

At Stryson Talks, my area in coaching is in relationship building and conflict resolution. What makes my business unique is that I have a top-rated podcast on Patreon where I discuss dating, relationships, and conflict resolution. I can offer group sessions in order to help you work through your problems and look to the future, facing your challenges head-on with renewed confidence.

My Listeners

No podcast would be successful without listening to its listeners’ feedback. That’s at least what I believe. My aim is to use your feedback to guide the evolution of my shows to ensure the topics I discuss are the ones you want to hear.

An Experienced Coach

Oprah Winfrey, Leonardo DiCaprio, and Serena Williams are just a few of the celebrities who claim a life coach has changed their lives. But it’s not just the famous who can benefit. Business owners, managers, start-ups, and homemakers can all take advantage of my services to help them achieve their goals. Don’t struggle on your own when you can get what you want out of life in a fraction of the time with the support and tools of a skilled li... Learn more